The California State Teachers’ Retirement System was established by law in 1913 to provide retirement benefits to California’s public school educators from prekindergarten through community college. CalSTRS administers a hybrid retirement system consisting of a traditional defined benefit plan (Defined Benefit Program), cash balance plans (Defined Benefit Supplement Program and Cash Balance Benefit Program), and a voluntary defined contribution plan (CalSTRS Pension2) for California’s public school educators prekindergarten to community college. We also provide disability and survivor benefits. CalSTRS is governed by the Teachers’ Retirement Law, part of the California Education Code. To increase members’ understanding of their benefits and their shared role in securing their financial futures, CalSTRS offers benefits planning services, including self-service resources, workshops, videos, and publications specific to key career stages. We also offer a speakers bureau for our stakeholder groups. Educators should plan early and review their plans annually. VVTA will be holding informational meetings each year.